General Announcements:
Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency WebQuest Links:
Nutrition Unit Exam: Thursday, October 30th
Study Guide:
-Six Essential Nutrients
-Calculating % of Fat in a serving of food
-Reading Food Labels -Food Label Lab (ex: identifying nutritional values found on a food label)
-Fast Food Analysis (ex: making healthier nutritional choices from the menu)
-Nutrient Testing Lab (ex: indicators used to test for each nutrient, determining positive/negative results)
-Deficiency Diseases/Disorders
*Nutrition Review from Class
Nutrient Testing Lab
Benedict's Test for Sugars:
Iodine Test for Starch:
Biuret Test for Protein:
-Nutrient Testing Lab (ex: indicators used to test for each nutrient, determining positive/negative results)
-Deficiency Diseases/Disorders
*Nutrition Review from Class
- Six Essential Nutrients and their roles in the Human Body (ex: Fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water)
- Nutrient Testing Indicators (ex: Lugols Iodine (starch), Benedicts Solution (sugar), Silver Nitrate (salt) and paper Bag (fats)
- Food Labels
Nutrient Testing Lab
Benedict's Test for Sugars:
- Benedict's Solution is blue when no sugar is present
- A change in color indicates that sugar (simple carbohydrates are present)
- The specific color result can indicate relatively how much sugar is present
Iodine Test for Starch:
- Iodine is amber (orange/brown) when no starch is present
- A change in color to blue/black indicates that starch is present
Biuret Test for Protein:
- Biuret solution is blue when no protein is present
- A change in color to purple indicates that protein is present
- In the diagram below albumin is a protein rich substance
- What type of nutrient is starch?
Brown Paper Test for Lipids (Fats):
- Fats cause brown paper to become transparent or let light through
Silver Nitrate Test for Salts:
- Silver nitrate reacts with salt to produce a white solid that causes the solution to become cloudy white
Online Resources: