Moon Phase Webquest

Phases of the Moon Webquest

The Moon changes shape every day. Sometimes you can see only part of the Moon. Other times, you can see the entire Moon. Why does this happen?  The purpose of this WebQuest is to help you learn why we see phases of the Moon.

Your task is to explain why the Moon changes appearance throughout the month. You will complete six tasks.  It will help you understand why the Moon's appearance changes.
Moon Phases

Task One
Complete the Task One on your worksheet. Name, describe, and draw an illustration of each phase of the Moon.
Process: Watch this video to help you understand the concept of Moon Phases, then complete the chart on your worksheet with information on the phases of the Moon.

Video:  Bill Nye, Baseball game, and understanding Moon Phases

Here are some websites you can use to complete Task One.
Illustrations Link 1:  How Do the Phases Get Their Names?
Illustrations Link 2:  Phases of the Moon

Task Two
Science has special astronomy/lunar vocabulary terms. For Task Two, define the following terms: gibbous, waning, and waxing. 
Process:  Look up the vocabulary definitions using this website.

**Use the phases your described and illustrated in Task One to complete the table identifying the phases of the Moon during waxing and waning.

Task Three
For Task Three, draw your birthday Moon. Look up the phase our Moon was in on the day you were born. Find out and fill in the circle on your worksheet. Also, illustrate the phase of the Moon on your 2015 birthday.
Process:  Use this website. Select your birthdate, then select your birthday in 2015.

StarDate Online – Phases of the Moon Calendar

Task Four
How does the Moon change during the month? Visit the website below and complete the May 2015 Moon Phase calendar on your worksheet.
Process: Go back to the website you just used.  Select the current month and year.

Don't forget to answer the five questions using the calendar you created to help you.

Task Five
During the evening (and daytime), the Moon, stars, and Sun appear to move through the sky. For Task Five, explain why this happens.
Process:  Use either of these websites to find out why.
Star trails over Lake Minnewanka in Alberta, Canada. Credit and copyright: Jack-Fusco.
Task Six
Complete the worksheet to show the positions of the Earth, sun, and Moon during each of the eight phases of the Moon.  
Process:  Use these interactive animations and activities to simulate a lunar cycle.  Complete the table by identifying the phase of the moon and drawing an illustration of the image a viewer would observe from Earth.

Use either of these to fill in the table for this task: 

If there is still time in the period, try one of these extension activities!

1.  Click on this link and find out about living on the Moon

2.  Click this link to take a tour of our Moon

3. Click on this link and use your knowledge of the predictable Moon Phases to play all three simulated activities.