7th Grade Science: Unit 1- Cells

Welcome to 7th grade Science!

The 7th grade science curriculum covers Biology (Cells, Nutrition and Human Body Systems), Chemistry and Astronomy!

General Announcements:

The Cell Test will be given on Wednesday, October 15th. This test is worth 100 points.
Students should study all of the material in their binder; notes, do nows, homework assignments, labs, and quizzes.

Extra help is available at lunch.

Study guide:
  • Safety Rules
    • Wearing the proper protection, following instruction, notify the teacher of any safety concerns, no horseplay, etc.
  • Metric conversions
    • using a ruler, converting cm to mm and mm to cm
    • Remember: to convert cm to mm, multiply by 10 and to convert mm to cm divide by 10
  • Scientific Method
    • problem, Research, hypothesis, experiment, analyze results, conclusion
    • picking out the variables (Independent and Dependent) 
    • Remember: ________________ depends on _______________________
  • Microscope
    • Identify the parts of the microscope and describe their function
    • field of view / # that fit across the diameter
  • Cell organelles
    • mitochondria(where cell respiration occurs, ATP made), cell membrane (allows things in and out of the cell) and nucleus (control center) only
  • Characterisitcs of Living Things
    • Know the list of 6 items that classify something as living: made of cells, metabolic activities, movement, reproduction, responds to stimuli and growth and development
  • Cell Processes (Respiration, Diffusion and Osmosis)
    • the equation: glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + ATP
    • In the Cell Respiration lab we used yeast and the indicator BTB- what does BTB indicate?
    • Diffusion and Osmosis I Lab: baggy in the beaker. What diffused in? out? What were the color changes?
    • Diffusion and Osmosid II Lab: Eggs in colored solutions.  Why did the egg get larger in the blue solution? Why did the egg get smaller in the red solution?
  • Levels of Organization
    • Cell--> tissue --> organ--> organ system --> organism
Additional Cell Unit Review Sheet:
Cell Unit Review Sheet

Science Quiz: Friday 9/19
Topics include:
1. Measurement
     - using a ruler, converting cm to mm and mm to cm
     - Remember: to convert cm to mm, multiply by 10 and to convert mm to cm divide by 10

2. Scientific Method
     - Steps of the scientific method, vocabulary terms associated with scientific method (independent variable, dependent variable, control group, experimental group
     - Remember: ________________ depends on _______________________

3. Microscope
     - Identify the parts of the microscope and describe their function

Extra Help: 
- Lunch period 5- B days
- Lunch period 6- A days

Science Safety Quiz: Wednesday 9/10
Click HERE for a copy of the lab safety agreement to study from

Online Game - Identifying the Independent and Dependent Variable!
Online Game - Identify the Parts of a Compound Microscope
In Depth look at Cells organelles

Online Game - Identifying the Independent and Dependent Variable!

Unit 1: Cells
- Characteristics of Living Things
- Dichotomous Keys
- Levels of Organization
- Cell Organelles
- Cell Processes: Cell Respiration, Diffusion and Osmosis

Links and Video Clips- Cells:
-Call that Safety Song

-Lab Safety Rap Song

- The Cells Song


- Cell Organelles Video